Thursday, February 18, 2010

Peter Island Location Of "Peter I Island" ?

Location of "Peter I Island" ? - peter island

Instead of "Peter I Iceland"?

1 comment:

  1. Peter I of Iceland (in Norwegian: Peter I Oy) is a volcanic island near Antarctica. It was discovered by Fabian von Bellingshausen of West Antarctica, January 21, 1821. It was named in honor of the Russian Tsar Peter I (the Great). Ola Olstad a successful landing, February 2, 1929, and claimed the island for Norway. The area of Antarctica claimed by others is the Norwegian Queen Maud Land. Peter I Iceland is the only claim area of Antarctica under the Antarctic Treaty, which is not a sector, and the area say that the sector has not otherwise, between 90 ° W and 150 ° W, west of the claim of the Chilean Antarctic.


    The island has an area of 243 square kilometers and reaches a height of 1755 meters Lars Christensen Peak, a volcano. It is not known whether extinct or not, the summit was apparently not affected by glaciation. The hotel is located 450 km north of Costa eight. It is surrounded by ice, except for a brief period in late summer and 95% of the glaciers.
    The island is so far and the access is very difficult (usually requiredtion of a helicopter) that has been reported that more people with one foot on the moon than about Peter I


    The prefix of the fans of the island is 3 years, and the island has a DX-pedition casual. As one of the most difficult on the popular DX Century Club Award contact, they generate levels of traffic.
